Money Matters AZ LLC BBB Business Review


I've often heard that highly successful people are great at making decisions. As I focus more and more on daily inner work, decisions come much easier to me. Of course, I am not always super SURE of myself and don't know the exact path all the time but, now when I dive deep into what is holding me back from making a choice, I recognize that it's usually fear.

You see, last year I hosted and planned the first annual Unplugged Experience and my vision was right on but my mission to get 1,000 attendees failed miserably and I lost thousands of dollars. So, as I sit here planning the next event which will be on March 7, 2020 fear creeps in. What if I fail again? What if I loose more money? What if, what if, what if.

The ONLY decision I can control is to take massive action every day. Massive action that will actually make an impact and move my needle.

My mission is to inspire growth and instill love on a massive scale through the promotion of physical fitness, clean nourishment and mental wellness. This year, every time a ticket is sold, a FREE ticket is given to a local shelter (to a woman, child or man in need). Someone who wants to attend but cant afford it or is scared.

With that said, my first step in moving through my fear is to find some sponsors. I assure you this is a topic I've heard many a business owner ask about. How do you get sponsors? Well, I am going to work my tail off to make it happen and I will let you know how it goes!

The decision is made.

Money Matters AZ LLC BBB Business Review