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Momming and Careering

As a mom, I tend to come back to the feeling that I am not loving hard enough or good enough. So, my initial response is to think of how to give more of what I want to receive (and all that jazz). I just stumble on the HOW part of this equation because, to be frank playing with toys is not my strong suit. I’ll do it but, it’s not a very passionate and heartfelt experience. Haha

This morning, I had an awesome conversation with a fellow mama about just this and she gave me some great ideas I want to share:

1. Find out their Love Language and use it (there's a kid one apparently and I'm all about tools like this)
2. Plan 1-2 afternoons per month, per kid that is just us. Choose something I truly enjoy and make it fun for both of us (I'm a planner so this will work for me!)

With that said, I do know I am a great mom and I do know it’s natural to feel this way as a mom, especially for those of us who also choose to have a career…

I know that working on my career and my purpose to inspire growth & instill love in women on a massive scale ALSO, makes me a good mom. I have the strength, stamina, and intelligence to show up in both areas. So, I do and by doing so, I occasionally question my actions and my SELF.

I’ve found there is great power in asking yourself great questions. See, I believe there is always a higher level, in all things. Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely, positively love my life. I just know that if I’m not growing, I’m dying and the only person that will get me to grow, is me. So why in the heck waste time being stagnant? That’s just me.

So, cheers to higher levels of love, mommy-ing, career-ing, and finding/feeling the ways that bring joy, love, success and fulfillment on a daily basis.

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