Money Matters AZ LLC BBB Business Review

The Simplicity of Progress


Happy Monday and Happy MLK Day!

Ironic that the topic that came to me this morning is progress and it is MLK Day. Of course! 

There’s one fact that I must start this post with and that is, some things we know but, its very easy to forget. Thus, we must be reminded. You know, common sense isn't so common...
I am speaking to myself because, I feel so great today and after asking myself why, I realized I am ecstatic about the results I’m receiving. Those results are the people who are “magically” calling me about being part of my wellness event, the progress of a new partnership in my bookkeeping business, my relationships feeling connected and full of love. 

Since results don’t just “happen”, I determined in a split second that the main and most significant work I put in to get these results is simple; I have worked out 10 days out of the last 14. Literally. That. Is. It. The one simple act of moving my body on a consistent basis, has done the following things:

  • increased my positivity

  • increased my stamina

  • made me calmer and less stressed

  • allowed me to focus on solving challenges versus living in the pain of them

  • heightened my energy and thus attracting the same good energy 

  • allowed me to love deeper and happily 

  • helped me to make better eating choices 

I always thrive when I consistently take care of my health. It’s the baseline of EVERYTHING. All the stories I tell myself about why I don’t are crap and if you happen to be someone who also tells yourself stories, I challenge you to call bullshit. “I’m too busy”, “My back hurts”, “I’m too tired”, "It's not that simple". These are the stories that limit us. We have one life to live so, perhaps we should live it fully. 

Have an amazing week!



Money Matters AZ LLC BBB Business Review