Money Matters AZ LLC BBB Business Review

On Fire

Currently, I am feeling more and more on fire every, single, day. I am keeping my standards for myself HIGH. I am VERY aware that it is a direct result of the following:

15 days straight of waking up at 5:45am and doing the following:
-Priming (aka focused meditation)
-Incantations (sorta like affirmations)

I am also reading before I go to bed and making sure it is the last thing I do before shutting my eyes. Well, I move my phone (my alarm) away from my bed so I am forced to get UP and turn it off and not hit snooze. That's the last thing.

Not gonna lie, it's day fifteen and I was tired this morning. If my phone was close, it would have been much easier to hit snooze. Wasn't happy about it being difficult this morning. Plus, my trainer kicked my ass and it was hard. However, I feel intense vitality and energy and I know its because I moved my body in that way. In the morning.

I am on a serious mission to hold myself to a higher standard. To rise above mediocrity.

Why do all this?! I envision freedom. Freedom to experience what I want, when I want and with whom I want. Freedom to truly contribute to others and to inspire others. Courage and strength to show people that it can be done through doing and becoming myself.

One of my Q3 (3rd Quarter) outcomes is to increase my personal income to $25K monthly. That takes extraordinary focus, courage and action. I have what it takes. Everything I need is within me.

I am going to take you through what is working for me and the hurdles that come my way. And they will! I give you my word that I will be authentic and true about the process and we will see how it pans out!

Cheers to higher standards and rising above mediocrity!

Money Matters AZ LLC BBB Business Review