We all have life events that rattle us. It's part of this life. When something rattles us, as I have recently experienced, I believe it is a true test to the standards I have/we have put into place.
I made a massive personal mistake and it hurt more than I remember anything hurting this far in my life. Devastatingly painful to be honest. However, I know without a doubt that the work I have been doing on myself over the past 3 years has allowed me to move through it in a healthy manner rather than around, under or above it.
Specifically, I have been able to move through this pain in the following ways:
I FELT love and connection in my body
I was PREPARED in my mind
I felt LIGHT in my heart even though I am to blame and
I ADVANCED in my spirit
Some of these specifics may sound weird but, I am more than happy to dive deeper for anyone who may have questions :)
I have always been a high achiever but, what exactly have I been doing over the last 3 years in order to strengthen my everything? Here is a list (because I love lists):
Stopped trying to control the evolution of others and choose to lead by example instead. This has resulted in people coming in and out of my life at the right time, all the time
Trusting that the universe, god, energy, source, whatever you want to call it, always gives me what I want ("good" & "bad). Everything is always ok
Meditating/Priming nearly every single day (this is probably the most impactful item in terms of affecting everything on this list)
Journaling nearly every single day with specific, focused questions I answer
Practicing gratitude in everything
Focusing on how I can serve versus what I can get (intimate relationship included)
Reading and/or listening to podcasts daily
Attending personal development and business seminars as often as possible
Focusing on the what and why versus the how
Visualizing my future self and feeling what that feels like as if it is already true
Waking up early/becoming a morning person
Working out 4-6x week
Drinking 120 oz water daily
Nourishing my body with whole food
Allowing myself to live but, making certain things like drinking and eating crap the exception not the rule and NOT feeling guilty about it
I believe we are the creators of our reality and I choose to have an amazing reality; the good, bad, ugly and all.