Money Matters AZ LLC BBB Business Review

The Power of Setting High Standards

We all have life events that rattle us. It's part of this life. When something rattles us, as I have recently experienced, I believe it is a true test to the standards I have/we have put into place.

I made a massive personal mistake and it hurt more than I remember anything hurting this far in my life. Devastatingly painful to be honest. However, I know without a doubt that the work I have been doing on myself over the past 3 years has allowed me to move through it in a healthy manner rather than around, under or above it.

Specifically, I have been able to move through this pain in the following ways:

  • I FELT love and connection in my body

  • I was PREPARED in my mind

  • I felt LIGHT in my heart even though I am to blame and

  • I ADVANCED in my spirit

Some of these specifics may sound weird but, I am more than happy to dive deeper for anyone who may have questions :)

The power of setting high standards.png

I have always been a high achiever but, what exactly have I been doing over the last 3 years in order to strengthen my everything? Here is a list (because I love lists):

  1. Stopped trying to control the evolution of others and choose to lead by example instead. This has resulted in people coming in and out of my life at the right time, all the time

  2. Trusting that the universe, god, energy, source, whatever you want to call it, always gives me what I want ("good" & "bad). Everything is always ok

  3. Meditating/Priming nearly every single day (this is probably the most impactful item in terms of affecting everything on this list)

  4. Journaling nearly every single day with specific, focused questions I answer

  5. Practicing gratitude in everything

  6. Focusing on how I can serve versus what I can get (intimate relationship included)

  7. Reading and/or listening to podcasts daily

  8. Attending personal development and business seminars as often as possible

  9. Focusing on the what and why versus the how

  10. Visualizing my future self and feeling what that feels like as if it is already true

  11. Waking up early/becoming a morning person

  12. Working out 4-6x week

  13. Drinking 120 oz water daily

  14. Nourishing my body with whole food

  15. Allowing myself to live but, making certain things like drinking and eating crap the exception not the rule and NOT feeling guilty about it

I believe we are the creators of our reality and I choose to have an amazing reality; the good, bad, ugly and all.

Fanatic Discipline

I feel incredible today. I even had an intense meeting in our classic car restoration business and it didn't damper my mood. I handled it like a champ!

WHY do I feel incredible? I had an epiphany last night while reading an amazing book. As you may know from my last newsletter, I was in a bit of a slump. I was feeling off and discouraged. Questioning why I was waking up early every day and doing my morning routine and not seeing or feeling the results I wanted. Then, BAM! The book reminded me of something I already know; DISCIPLINE. Success in any area of life comes not from discipline but, fanatic discipline. THIS is why I kept going with my morning routine, kept asking for healing in my meditation practice because, this stuff really does work. It's practiced discipline that got me here. It's not luck that I picked up this book at this exact time. I am preparing myself and actively receiving progress and success ON PURPOSE. Of course, it doesn't mean butterflies and roses from here on out but, it does mean I MUST stay disciplined.

Radically successful people, and I mean radically in all areas kind of success, are fanatically disciplined. PS- that is exactly what I'm going for. They start with values, purpose and long-term goals. They have severe performance standards and have the fanatical discipline to adhere to them. They don't let social norms deter them. They persevere.

I have absolutely experienced success through fanatical discipline which is why I am so glad I happened to pick up this book last night in order to be reminded of this fact but, don't just take my word for it. Take a look at the 10x Companies that Jim Collins studied for years and how through his work he discovered data driven material versus personal opinion logic. The book if you're curious is called Great by Choice.

So, due to my number one value, I share with you my values, purpose and long-term goals:

-Authentic and honest communication even if its raw, embarrassing or different
-Severe performance standards in all areas
-Fun, Kindness & warmth is how we associate with others
-We provide great energy to those around us

-Inspire growth and instill love
-Reliable & truthful force for people
-A breathe of fresh air
....all on a massive scale and through the promotion of healthy business and personal fitness, health and wellness.

Long-Term Goals:

12.31.20 =80 MMAZ Clients, 10 Mstrminds, qrtrly F2F BIZ Workshops, 2 FFU evnts w/650ppl ea

12.31.21 =160 MMAZ Clients, 20 Mstrminds, qrtrly F2F BIZ Workshops, 3 FFU evnts w/850ppl ea
12.31.22 =240 MMAZ Clients, 30 Mstrminds, qrtrly F2F BIZ Workshops, 4 FFU evnts w/1000ppl ea
12.31.23 =320 MMAZ Clients, 40 Mstrminds, qrtrly F2F BIZ Workshops, 5 FFU evnts w/1300ppl ea
12.31.24 =400 MMAZ Clients, 50 Mstrminds, qrtrly F2F BIZ Workshops, 6 FFU evnts w/1500ppl ea
-I love my body and I feel healthy & vibrant
-Lexi, Leo, Paul & I are happy & healthy
-Paul and I are deeply connected, in-love and passionate
-I ooze confidence, radiance, success and love
-My contribution to the world close to me and far away is powerful

Cheer to fanatic discipline. To persevering.

Lonely and Uncertain

It is day 22 and I am on my way to the next level...or I am keeping the faith that what I am doing is taking me there. Not gonna lie, it hasn't been the easiest 4 days. I've been waking up at 5:45am every day (even on the weekends), journaling, affirming, visualizing, exercising, meditating and reading. I freakin' gained a pound and was not feeling happy and joyous. Like, what the well?!

I realized this morning that I am expecting something to happen and to happen now. I am impatient. I want to see mountains moving. Lol. As I write this I know i'm being ridiculous. I know I need to continue doing the "things". I need to model those who have done it and have been successful.

The thing I have finally come to understand, that I have heard time and again is that "success is lonely". I feel lonely. I am not even at the level of financial success that I am working towards and I feel this way. I just don't personally know anyone who is giving so much of themselves into "becoming". I don't mean any disrespect to you whatsoever. All I mean is it feels that way. Alone. Uncertain. As if I don't have someone to talk to who can really comprehend my feelings, the bumps in my road. Silly of me to think I knew all of the bumps that would come. Duh. This is one of them. The questioning. The uncertainty. It is part of it. If it were easy, everyone would do it. I assure you, everyone is not doing "it".

I do know I must focus on what I can control. What has worked in the past. That I must continue to practice gratitude. That I must continue to grind and take massive action every single day. That I must continue to hold myself to a higher standard because, its the small changes we make every day that will result in the biggest shifts. I do KNOW this because, I did do this when I decided 10 years ago that I was going to make that damn cheer team no matter freakin' what. I became who I HAD to become. I pushed through when it was hard. I pushed through my old stories.

So, today I give you my word that I am keeping the faith and trudging forward even though it sometimes sucks ass.

Here's a quote I read last night "Who you're becoming is far more important than what you're doing. And yet, it is what you're doing that is determining who you're becoming" --Hal Elrod

Cheers to having faith which, in the PAST was hard as shit for me but, I'm leaping anyway.

On Fire

Currently, I am feeling more and more on fire every, single, day. I am keeping my standards for myself HIGH. I am VERY aware that it is a direct result of the following:

15 days straight of waking up at 5:45am and doing the following:
-Priming (aka focused meditation)
-Incantations (sorta like affirmations)

I am also reading before I go to bed and making sure it is the last thing I do before shutting my eyes. Well, I move my phone (my alarm) away from my bed so I am forced to get UP and turn it off and not hit snooze. That's the last thing.

Not gonna lie, it's day fifteen and I was tired this morning. If my phone was close, it would have been much easier to hit snooze. Wasn't happy about it being difficult this morning. Plus, my trainer kicked my ass and it was hard. However, I feel intense vitality and energy and I know its because I moved my body in that way. In the morning.

I am on a serious mission to hold myself to a higher standard. To rise above mediocrity.

Why do all this?! I envision freedom. Freedom to experience what I want, when I want and with whom I want. Freedom to truly contribute to others and to inspire others. Courage and strength to show people that it can be done through doing and becoming myself.

One of my Q3 (3rd Quarter) outcomes is to increase my personal income to $25K monthly. That takes extraordinary focus, courage and action. I have what it takes. Everything I need is within me.

I am going to take you through what is working for me and the hurdles that come my way. And they will! I give you my word that I will be authentic and true about the process and we will see how it pans out!

Cheers to higher standards and rising above mediocrity!


One of the most important things about a budget, is having a budget. I suggest you start by hand writing, yes pen and paper, all of your income and expenses for one months time. The mere act of writing versus typing enables your brain to retain and focus on the information more accurately. Don't leave anything out; estimate your fuel, your groceries, your babysitters, etc. Once you get it all down, move it into an Excel spreadsheet or a Google Sheet and expand it to all months of the upcoming year. This will bring you CLARITY and AWARENESS. We must know where we are to get where we are going. Tony Robbins says it best, "Where Focus goes, energy flows". Focus on your financial self and energy will go there.....Oh and if you didn't know, money is energy. It's a great idea to create positive energy surrounding money!

Pay Myself First

Pay Myself First, or PMF, is a shift in your mindset.

Traditionally, we have Income - Expense = What's Left For Me. I encourage you to shift your thinking to Income - PMF = Whats Left For Expenses.

It's likely you will need to reduce your expenses. However, this is a good thing! We need to invest in ourselves now so we can benefit later. Small sacrifices people. Small sacrifices.

Money Matters AZ LLC BBB Business Review